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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Watch us dribble Grandpa!!

Dad has been working with us teaching us how to dribble - not a basketball, but a big ball! It's a start he says. Taylor really does it well and she even sticks her tongue out like her dad does when he's dribbling! Allie is going along with it, but no so sure she's lovin' it!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Nightly Prayers by Allie and Taylor

The girls are pretty cute when saying their prayers - sometimes a little jumbled, but hopefully you get the idea.

The new "Jumper"

We got rid of a huge piece of plastic (the 8-and-1 climber) in the basement and in turn bought this jumper for Allie & Taylor. They love it - good exercise also. And it packs up into a nice, neat little package.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Twins Game !!

We gave dad tickets to the Twins game for Father's Day - since it's his favorite pasttime (besides playing with us of course!). We made it 4 innings - which we thought was pretty good. Mom let us go wwaayy up to the very top and sit - it was really high! It was a good game they tell us; even though we don't know much. We'd rather go watch daddy play ball. Mom decided we'll do that for a while before we go to another Twins game. Still fun to go to that "big" place before the new outdoor one comes.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July

Phil & the girls working on sparklers - ouch!

Taylor "holding" mom's daquiri - we hope!
Allie giving Jodi her famous "squeeze hug"

We went to Jodi & Phil's for the 4th of July celebration. We had a great time and they are super hosts. We ate dinner out on the deck and did some sparklers. The girls had a little "ants in the pants" so Phil brought out his bike, and mom, dad and Jodi walked along. We rode bikes to the park behind the elementary school and played for a while. The girls had a blast at the park. We rode back and got the fireworks out ready for the display. Someone a few houses down was doing "the real deal" sort of fireworks, so we plopped our chairs at the end of the driveway and watched. Phil lit off a bunch of different ones we had which were so great. Awesome display!! We went and had a bath in Jodi's tub and were on our way home - at 11:30 p.m! Quite a night! Thank you Kvern's!!