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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Friday, October 10, 2008


Well, we had another very "expensive" day at the dentist. Mom finished her "5th" crown over the root canal; the girls both had thei 6 month follow-up cleanings. Allie breezed through and all looks great. Taylor, not so lucky. Apparently, in one of her back teeth, when that tooth was forming, it didn't completely "close" so there is a "dip in the distal" as he put it which now needs to be filled. Well, she wouldn't even let them recline her in the chair today OR use the "spit sucker" so how on earth are we going to do this fill? We go back in 2 weeks, and they'll give her "laughing gas" and fill the "dip". He said it will take longer to explain and get situated than the actual procedure. Also said due to her small mouth, we may want to start saving our pennies as she's probably going to need some dental work as she gets older. No room in her mouth unless her permanent teeth grow in quite small. Not what I wanted to hear! UGH.....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Homework - already??

Don't rush into the homework Allie - you'll have PLENTY of time for that!!

Getting ready!

Today is picture day at preschool. Didn't know they had such a think in preschool but apparently they do now. So we picked out the girls clothes last night what they wanted to wear. It's Chad's day to bring them so he gets to sleep in a little - yeah! He said Allie came running in the bedroom this morning and he was barely awake. She was all dressed and ready to go to school for her pictures! SO cute! She looked at hime and said, "Daddy, I'm all dressed and ready to go!" What a sweety. Taylor was still snoozin.

Kids say the darndest things....

We haven't been here in a while....busy, busy! Well, last saturday night we were at the dinner table eating supper and Allie as just having kind of a tough night. She didn't want to eat, which is fine. However, the rule is you need to sit at the table and wait until we are ALL done. She didn't like that and wanted down. We wouldn't let her, so she cried and cried. Taylor looked at Chad and I and said, "Mommy, can we just put her on the deck? I don't want to listen to that anymore." Oh my, we laughed so hard! Where did she hear that? MMMM......