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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sam's Birthday Party!!

Allie zoomin' down on the tube!

Lindsay and Taylor!!

Half the party goers!!

Taylor on the snowboard! (I've got great video I'm trying to load!!)

Yesterday we went to my cousin Joe's house to celebrate his son Sam's birthday. It was an awesome day! We got there about 11 a.m. and it was beautiful outside. Uncle Beau went outside with all the kids and they started sledding immediately - right onto the lake! The rest of the party showed up and all "17" kids were sledding and snowboarding for about an hour! Then they all came in and Miki and I went and picked up McDonald's that Joe had ordered for all the kids and they had lunch. Then Sam opened all his presents and the kids played one game. By then it was 1:30 p.m. and time to go -- or at least everyone else. Lindsay, Lauryn, Allie, Taylor and Sam along with Beau, Joe and some other friends all went back outside sledding for another 2 hours! They were having such a blast. Taylor looked so cold but she was LOVING the snowboarding and just kept going and going!!! Finally everyone came in and we all had hot chocolate and left about 4:45 p.m.! It was a full day, but sure a lot of fun!!

Taylor and Allie's 5th Birthday Party

The "water bottle" bowling pins the girls got for their birthday at the bowling alley

Ally Nicole, Shelby and Taylor

"I win", "I win".....or at least it just made it down the lane

Shelby, Taylor, Ally Nicole, Whitney, Josh, Owen, Ashley, Allie
Jodi and Phil with us at Dave & Busters' for our birthday!!
For Taylor and Allie's birthday we went to Sundance Bowl and did their birthday party. It was so great. Everything was all set up and ready to go - all we had to do was show up! The kids all bowled one game, then we had pizza's for lunch. The girls opened their presents after eating and the kids all had cupcakes. Then it was 1 p.m. and the party was over. Went really fast, but had a really great time.
We went home and Donna and Alex came down for a little visit. They stayed for a couple hours and then we went and met Jodi and Phil at Dave & Buster's for dinner and games. We love that place! We spent almost 2 1/2 hours there and didn't get home until 9:30 p.m. It was a long, full day for the girls but I think they had a pretty good birthday!!!

New Years Eve!!!


We spent New Year's Eve with the Skram's and went to Lifetime Fitness/Crystal Community Center for their New Year's "extravaganza". We had a blast! Allie and Taylor went ice skating for the first time and loved it. Unlce Mike was such a champ and was out on the ice with all three kids all by himself! Mom had fallen down the stairs the week before so not up for ice skating; dad just doesn't skate; and Lori was watching Ashley. I'm not sure how many times the kids went around the rink - they just kept going and going!! Then we went to a craft room and the kids got animal balloons and made some "snowflakes". There as a magic show too, and Allie got called up on stage. Hilarious! (I'm trying to get the video to load - I'll post if I can). After that everyone went swimming (well, except the moms!). Always love swimming. All the festivities ended by 9 p.m. and we were on our way home. It was great and the girls had a fabulous time - and slept great too!