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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mall of American Waterpark!!

This should have been posted last December, but I forgot.  Going through pictures and saw these, so thought I'd put up now.  Why not I say??  We found a GREAT deal on Groupon for 4 waterpark passes so we got them.  However, by the time they were to expire we were trying to find a time to go and couldn't get a good time with work and Chad's reffing schedule.  So, he thought maybe the girls' and I could go with Jodi?  She was all over it!  So we headed down there on saturday a.m., and got all checked in.  Super nice hotel.  The room had bunks beds in it so the girls' were very excited!  We then headed down to the waterpark which was awesome!  Had a great wavepool and lazy river.  We went round and round that river!  The girls' could touch so they thought it was great.  And the kids area was great.  There were 4 kids waterslides which were really good ones - the girls' didn't need the great big ones to go down; the kids ones were perfectly fine.  We stayed down there all day then headed back to the room.  We got showered and then ordered room service, which the girls' had never done and thought was so cool! We ate and watched movies, and they were all pooped out by 9:00 p.m. and snoozing!  We got up and headed home early Sunday.  It was a really fun day!  Thanks Aunt Jodi for coming and playing with us:)