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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Day of Preschool!!!

Taylor all ready for first day of preschool!!

Allie all ready for first day of preschool!
Ready to head in

Our teacher, Mrs. Kyle Other teacher, Mrs. Rynning
All done!!!
Today was Allie & Taylor's first day of preschool! It was very exciting and sad for mom:( I of course shed a few tears. The girls were all ready to go this morning and one of their teachers, Mrs. Kyle greeted everyone as they came in. The other teacher, Mrs. Rynning was in the classroom ready for everyone. All the kids took a "field trip" to the bathroom. Then they learned a new song "How Are You Today?" Also, the classroom monkey, "Montgomery" joined them to help with the morning activities. They had crackers and milk for snack and they drank all their milk - yeah! Taylor met 3 new friends; Tom, Joey and Matt. All boys - should we be concerned? Allie was much more excited about "Montgomery". After, the teachers dismissed each child one by one to their parents and we left. We got to the car and Allie cried! What?? Most kids do that BEFORE. She said she just wanted to go home. We wonder if she was just overwhelmed at everything? Not sure, but the rest of the day was great - and they both want to go back next week so that's good:)

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