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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Monday, November 3, 2008

More Allie and Taylor "goofiness"...

Last night we went to Grandma and Grandpa Harry's house for dinner and a little "Voit Family Fun". We had a great night with lots of laughter. Those little cherubs sure keep us all in stitches. Allie was in a performing mood that's for sure. They were all playing "Simon Says" with Aunt Lori. She decided to have the KIDS take turns being Simon. Taylor took her turn, which was great. Stuck to the rules. Then it was Allie's turn. She sat on Lori's lap and you could just see the wheels turning. The FIRST thing out of her mouth was "Simon says touch your balls." OH MY!!! We all laughed with a few tears in there. Then it was story time. Lori had them all "tell a story". Allies' was all about a princess in a tower - over and over. Not much more to her story. Taylor grew a little shy, so Uncle Mike helped her along brought some "gut" laughs out of her in telling her story. Owen was telling his story, which was very detailed and "made sense" as opposed to the others. He went on to talk about the rain and storm that was happening and the birds in the nest, three of them. In the midst of his story about the birds, Allie chimes in and says "and then they cracked a bird." I wish we would have gotten it on video; much funnier! However, we all chuckled. Taylor was into tackling - not sure what her gig was. She was going after Allie with a vengeance. Then turned her sights onto Owen. She was just coming up behing and taking them down. Forget dance or gymnastics, I think dad thinks we should sign her up for football! Needless to say, we went home, had a bath a never heard another word from those two until 7:30 a.m.!!!

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