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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


We had conferences today for the girls for the final time. Makes me sad...this year is coming to a close and so fast! But, time moves on. The girls had a super year and had SOO much fun! Mrs. Kyle told us that Allie ALWAYS has something to tell them and tells them her schedule every day! She said Taylor is not quite as talkative, but is very outgoing and friendly to all the kids. She said both girls even pick up all the toys at the end of class, without being asked, and the toys they didn't even take out! She said Taylor is quite particular where the toys go -- that they go back where they are supposed to. We had a great report and it was sure fun to hear details.

The attached pictures are ones the teacher had the kids do, freehand. They asked for them to draw "one" person; they said our kids drew the whole neighborhood!!

This is Taylor's from left to right:

Aunt Lori, Mike, Lisa, Mom(green), Dad(orange), Mom(purple), Owen, Ashley, Abby(yellow)!!

This is Allie's from left to right:

Mommy, Taylor, Allie, Owen, Great Grandma, Puppet, Daddy (large purple one!), Ashley

1 comment:

Lori said...

Those pictures are hilarious! I love how they must think Ashley is SOOOO much smaller than them!