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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Childrens Museaum & Macy's 8th Floor!!

Girls with Santa!!

Taylor ready to "work"

Allie all ready to "deliver some mail"

We went with Aunt Lori, Owen and Ashley down to the Children's Museum and to see Macy's 8th Floor display a couple weeks ago. It was the best time! The girls had never been to the Childrens Museum and absolutely loved it. They did everything that was there and just ran around like kids in a candy store. It was fun having Owen show them things since he'd been there before, so he'd show them how to do different things or "come on girls, come look at this." It was cute - they had a blast! We then went and ate a quick lunch and headed downtown to see the Macy's display. We got "fancy" and parked in the Gavidai (sp?) parking garage, which is heated and valet parking. PERFECT since it was pretty chilly. When we got to the 8th floor after SEVERAL escalators, which I think was almost the highlight for all the kids, there was nobody there hardly. We walked right in! It was great. It was a great display and the kids saw Santa's Workshop and all the elves. There wasn't even a line for Santa, so we snuck that in too! It was a perfect day!!!

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