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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Becoming less and less my babies...:(

Haven't posted in a while due to several factors: camera is now broken along with computer. SOOOO no pictures yet, and these may be out of order a little. Oh get the picture:)

Everyday we lose a little more of the girls being "our little" goes by sooo fast! I can't stand it. They decided they didn't want the bedrails anymore on their beds. They've asked several times in the last few months and I just couldn't take them down. Didn't want to hear a big "thud" in the middle of the night and find someone on the floor...what an awful awakening that would be for them. Finally, I gave in. We took them down on Monday night and all has been good! Nobody's fallen out and they love it. Another step towards being "big girls" I guess.

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