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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Allie's version of card from Jodi & Phil

I heard Allie reading a card from Aunt Jodi & Uncle Phil. I don't think this is what the card said, but it's so cute.

Monday, November 3, 2008

More Allie and Taylor "goofiness"...

Last night we went to Grandma and Grandpa Harry's house for dinner and a little "Voit Family Fun". We had a great night with lots of laughter. Those little cherubs sure keep us all in stitches. Allie was in a performing mood that's for sure. They were all playing "Simon Says" with Aunt Lori. She decided to have the KIDS take turns being Simon. Taylor took her turn, which was great. Stuck to the rules. Then it was Allie's turn. She sat on Lori's lap and you could just see the wheels turning. The FIRST thing out of her mouth was "Simon says touch your balls." OH MY!!! We all laughed with a few tears in there. Then it was story time. Lori had them all "tell a story". Allies' was all about a princess in a tower - over and over. Not much more to her story. Taylor grew a little shy, so Uncle Mike helped her along brought some "gut" laughs out of her in telling her story. Owen was telling his story, which was very detailed and "made sense" as opposed to the others. He went on to talk about the rain and storm that was happening and the birds in the nest, three of them. In the midst of his story about the birds, Allie chimes in and says "and then they cracked a bird." I wish we would have gotten it on video; much funnier! However, we all chuckled. Taylor was into tackling - not sure what her gig was. She was going after Allie with a vengeance. Then turned her sights onto Owen. She was just coming up behing and taking them down. Forget dance or gymnastics, I think dad thinks we should sign her up for football! Needless to say, we went home, had a bath a never heard another word from those two until 7:30 a.m.!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Gopher Nation!

MMMM...wonder who's been teaching the girls this? Shawn, Chad thought you'd like this!! I see Chad, Shawn and "4" girls heading to Gopher games!!!

Starting Spanish....

The girls are starting to learn some Spanish - since I don't think it's an option to NOT know that anymore!

Halloween 2008

Halloween was a success, that's for sure. The girls had a lot of different occasions to wear their costumes. On Thursday, we went to see Aunt Jackie and then went to Aunt Jodi's house. There are neighbors at Jodi's who we always go "Trick or Treat". They really like the girls, and it's turned into a sort of "tradition" now. We also went over to their daughters house. We had never been over there before. As we are standing in the entry, Allie looks at Jill and says, "Um Jill, where is your kitchen?" Just out of the blue. Why??!! So funny. Then on the way back to Jodi's as she stepped on the manhole covers, she would stop and say, "Oh, a placemat." She is one random little girl. Taylor was quite the hit with her "wig", which was almost as big as her. Halloween night was a blast! Our neighborhood was wall-to-wall kids. Incredible! We went out, hit a bunch of houses and came back and unloaded the buckets to go back out again. Allie decided to stay home and pass out candy with dad. After some kids came to the door and she gave them candy, she closed the door and goes, "wow, what a rush." Even Taylor laughed. Silly, silly. They were VERY tired and ready for bed. It was 10:30 before all was quiet. Then, lucky for us, about 4 a.m. Taylor came in our room and said she's ready to get up - she wasn't tired anymore. Whoa....I beg to differ! Chad brought her back to her room and they had a little "discussion" and it wasn't long before she was sleeping. Whew...until 8:15 a.m. Awesome for us!!

Friday, October 10, 2008


Well, we had another very "expensive" day at the dentist. Mom finished her "5th" crown over the root canal; the girls both had thei 6 month follow-up cleanings. Allie breezed through and all looks great. Taylor, not so lucky. Apparently, in one of her back teeth, when that tooth was forming, it didn't completely "close" so there is a "dip in the distal" as he put it which now needs to be filled. Well, she wouldn't even let them recline her in the chair today OR use the "spit sucker" so how on earth are we going to do this fill? We go back in 2 weeks, and they'll give her "laughing gas" and fill the "dip". He said it will take longer to explain and get situated than the actual procedure. Also said due to her small mouth, we may want to start saving our pennies as she's probably going to need some dental work as she gets older. No room in her mouth unless her permanent teeth grow in quite small. Not what I wanted to hear! UGH.....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Homework - already??

Don't rush into the homework Allie - you'll have PLENTY of time for that!!

Getting ready!

Today is picture day at preschool. Didn't know they had such a think in preschool but apparently they do now. So we picked out the girls clothes last night what they wanted to wear. It's Chad's day to bring them so he gets to sleep in a little - yeah! He said Allie came running in the bedroom this morning and he was barely awake. She was all dressed and ready to go to school for her pictures! SO cute! She looked at hime and said, "Daddy, I'm all dressed and ready to go!" What a sweety. Taylor was still snoozin.

Kids say the darndest things....

We haven't been here in a while....busy, busy! Well, last saturday night we were at the dinner table eating supper and Allie as just having kind of a tough night. She didn't want to eat, which is fine. However, the rule is you need to sit at the table and wait until we are ALL done. She didn't like that and wanted down. We wouldn't let her, so she cried and cried. Taylor looked at Chad and I and said, "Mommy, can we just put her on the deck? I don't want to listen to that anymore." Oh my, we laughed so hard! Where did she hear that? MMMM......

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Day of Preschool!!!

Taylor all ready for first day of preschool!!

Allie all ready for first day of preschool!
Ready to head in

Our teacher, Mrs. Kyle Other teacher, Mrs. Rynning
All done!!!
Today was Allie & Taylor's first day of preschool! It was very exciting and sad for mom:( I of course shed a few tears. The girls were all ready to go this morning and one of their teachers, Mrs. Kyle greeted everyone as they came in. The other teacher, Mrs. Rynning was in the classroom ready for everyone. All the kids took a "field trip" to the bathroom. Then they learned a new song "How Are You Today?" Also, the classroom monkey, "Montgomery" joined them to help with the morning activities. They had crackers and milk for snack and they drank all their milk - yeah! Taylor met 3 new friends; Tom, Joey and Matt. All boys - should we be concerned? Allie was much more excited about "Montgomery". After, the teachers dismissed each child one by one to their parents and we left. We got to the car and Allie cried! What?? Most kids do that BEFORE. She said she just wanted to go home. We wonder if she was just overwhelmed at everything? Not sure, but the rest of the day was great - and they both want to go back next week so that's good:)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Where do babies come from???

After Sue and Jeff were here (and Sue is 6 months pregnant) the girls were asking me about her belly. I explained that's where babies grow until they are born. Brief and to the point, I hoped! They said Betsy (mom from daycare) had a baby in her tummy. I said yes and I had BOTH of you in my tummy. Taylor looked at me and said, "I think I should have been in dad's tummy and Allie in yours." I really am dreading these least for now brief answers do suffice!!

Miss Allie...

So, we all know that our little Allie is quite the chatterbox (not sure where she gets that!! ha-ha). On our way home from daycare on Thursday, Taylor was trying to tell me something. Allie said, "Oh Taylor, you just talk so much - good grief." I almost drove off the road! She said it so matter-of-fact. Kind of the pot calling the kettle black if you ask me??!!

Labor Day - 2008

Sue, Jeff and Nicholas Burroughs came out for some fun in the sun on Labor Day. We had a great time! We jumped on the trampoline and "dipped" a little in our little pool. It was really hot - about 90 degrees! Nicholas was so fun and always so smiley. Allie and Taylor love playing with him and have such a good time with Jeff. Jeff - we think you are just a "big kid" yourself! Thanks for a great day and we'll see you all soon!

Rice Family Fun Days!!

All tuckered out!!

We went up to Aunt Donna's for "Rice Family Fun Days". Oh my - did the girls have a blast! There was a parade which raked in a load of candy! More than the girls could even get their hands around. Then they had huge, inflatable slides and jumpers. Mom wondered if Taylor would want to go down the big slide, but she got up there and went right down. No problem at all. They loved it! Then the firefighters were having their annual "water fight" which generated a lot of "over spray". Taylor and Allie loved running through the spray and getting all wet. We had a wonderful day outside and were busy all day. We went back to Donna's and ate supper and took baths...a little dirty! Then as the pictures show, the girls were all pooped out! It was a quiet evening:) OH, and the picture of the girls with the boys...notice Taylor. Sitting by one of her favorite people...JASON!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Splash Pad at Auntie Donna's - Fun, Fun Day!!

We went up to visit Donna and Alex today, and she suggested we go to the "new" splash pad that's in St. Cloud. It was so great! They had this huge place with all the fountains. There were four different parks, with different things depending on your age. Because Taylor and Allie "think" they are much older, they went on everything. And we came out with no bumps or bruises. Donna and I had a blast just sitting and watching the girls. Especially when Allie would put her "biscuits" over a was hilarious. There was a guy sitting on the bench by us watching his own kids, and he saw Allie do it and "shake her booty" over the fountain. He bent over laughing. He thought it was hilarious. We did to of course. We then hit Kohls (throw in a little shopping!) and went back to Donna's for supper and a little play time. "The love of Taylor's Life" Jason was there, which was great. After supper, the boys took Allie & Taylor to the neighbors across the street to jump on their trampoline and thus saw their pool! Oh my....they were invited to come and swim next time we are up. Needless to say, Taylor CRIED when we left not wanting to come home. She had a couple more episodes in the car too. I'm sure I'm not her favorite right now for making her come home. Guess we'll just have to stay next time:) Thanks Donna for a great day - we ALL had a blast! Love you!!

This is the girls "new" song which Allie started singing while standing on this "climby" thing. Green & Speckled Frogs....Taylor's version is here too. Cute song!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Watch us dribble Grandpa!!

Dad has been working with us teaching us how to dribble - not a basketball, but a big ball! It's a start he says. Taylor really does it well and she even sticks her tongue out like her dad does when he's dribbling! Allie is going along with it, but no so sure she's lovin' it!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Nightly Prayers by Allie and Taylor

The girls are pretty cute when saying their prayers - sometimes a little jumbled, but hopefully you get the idea.

The new "Jumper"

We got rid of a huge piece of plastic (the 8-and-1 climber) in the basement and in turn bought this jumper for Allie & Taylor. They love it - good exercise also. And it packs up into a nice, neat little package.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Twins Game !!

We gave dad tickets to the Twins game for Father's Day - since it's his favorite pasttime (besides playing with us of course!). We made it 4 innings - which we thought was pretty good. Mom let us go wwaayy up to the very top and sit - it was really high! It was a good game they tell us; even though we don't know much. We'd rather go watch daddy play ball. Mom decided we'll do that for a while before we go to another Twins game. Still fun to go to that "big" place before the new outdoor one comes.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July

Phil & the girls working on sparklers - ouch!

Taylor "holding" mom's daquiri - we hope!
Allie giving Jodi her famous "squeeze hug"

We went to Jodi & Phil's for the 4th of July celebration. We had a great time and they are super hosts. We ate dinner out on the deck and did some sparklers. The girls had a little "ants in the pants" so Phil brought out his bike, and mom, dad and Jodi walked along. We rode bikes to the park behind the elementary school and played for a while. The girls had a blast at the park. We rode back and got the fireworks out ready for the display. Someone a few houses down was doing "the real deal" sort of fireworks, so we plopped our chairs at the end of the driveway and watched. Phil lit off a bunch of different ones we had which were so great. Awesome display!! We went and had a bath in Jodi's tub and were on our way home - at 11:30 p.m! Quite a night! Thank you Kvern's!!