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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hey, hey -- here we are!!!

Ok, shame on mom! I know, I'm TERRIBLE at this but I'm going to make a great effort to keep up. Probably not nearly as good as the Skram's, but we'll try. At the rate I'm going, the girls can probably just do it themselves!

Since my last May (yikes!), obviously a lot has happened. I journal for them every day, so the "funnies" and not-so funnies are captured there, thank goodness.

Couple highlights, and then I'll just begin with now. Maybe I need to show dad how to do this..that may be the answer and then we can keep up!!

The girls went to my mom's place over 4th of July in Hinckley for a WEEK! It was too long we decided. Not even so much for them, but for grandma and grandpa and MOM! I did not like them being gone that long. The first couple days - yeah! Then too quiet. I think we'll stick to a day or two!

Spent a lot of time at the cabin this summer, which they LOVE! Dad put the slide on the end of the dock and the girls slid down into the lake...loved that. They are "little fish"... Allie and dad "chillin".....

We went to A'mazen Farm with Lisa and the Skram's which was so much fun! The kids had a great time and we probably could have even stayed longer. There was so much for the kids to do there. We will DEFINATELY go back next year!!

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