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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

1st "Real" Christmas Tree

We decided to make a new tradition in our family and get a real Christmas tree.  I used to do this when I was young and it was always so fun.  The girls' were very excited, even though I am not sure they really understood what we were going to do.  We went on a beautiful day out to a tree farm in Big Lake and found the type of tree we wanted.  The girls' picked out a perfect tree and dad started cutting.  Then you bring to the main area and they "shake and bale" the trees.  Get all the loose stuff off and wrap it so it's easy to get in the house.  They had a little petting zoo, and Santa there too.  We saw the animals and sat with Santa.  Then we went on a horse drawn carriage ride, and people actually sang christmas carols!  It was a hoot.  We were there about 2 hours, then came home and put up our tree.  The girls' kept saying over and over, "mom, dad...we have a REAL tree in our house...I can't believe it."
Dad cutting down our tree!!

Lights for the "fun" stuff!!

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