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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Veterans Day at Twin Lakes Elementary

The girls' school does a big celebration every year on Veteran's Day.  The kids make posters to fill the school, and have refreshments in the morning.  Then everyone goes outside to the flag, and the honor guard from the police department come and play Taps, raise the flag and have a bagpipe being played as well.  Then everyone went into the gym, and the kids wore shirts in red, white and blue.  K-1 wore red, 2-3rd grade wore white, and 4-5th grade wore blue.  They all sat in the gym in this way.  The rest of us sat all around the gym and EVERY SINGLE PERSON who served or is serving in the armed forces got up and announced their name, rank, what they did and for how long.  The kids then all sang a couple songs as well.  It was really a wonderful tribute and we've never seen anything like that.  Grandpa Steve was in Vietnam, so the girls' asked him to come.  Random people would come up to hm and shake his hand and say "thank you", or "thanks for your service".  It was really touching and a great thing to be a part of. 
Taylor, Grandpa Steve and Allie


Girls were way over to the other side, so didn't get a good picture of them

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