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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

BIG weekend!!!

Wow...we had a busy weekend, actually starting last Thursday! I brought the girls' over to Owen and Ashley's for an overnight and then to stay and play on friday.  I called to check in Thursday night and heard a whole bunch of "noise" on the other end.  Apparently, during "Idol" commercials they were doing their own singing and dancing....lucky uncle Mike and aunt Lori!!  Taylor slept in Ashley's room, and Allie slept in Owen's room..which the girls' thought was a blast!  Then on friday, they went to the Golden Valley fieldhouse to play.  The girls' told me they loved it and had so much fun there.  Lots to do!  Dad picked them up after work and I understand the girls' didn't want to come home and Owen and Ashley didn't want the girls' to leave.  As always, they all had a great much fun together!!

Then on saturday, we went bowling for a family get-together but also to celebrate Max's 5th birthday.  Met at the bowling alley at 1 p.m., bowled and then headed over to Mike and Linda's for "eats".  Mike made mexican lasagna and chili, and then everyone brought stuff.  Ended up with about 45 people, which was awesome.  And it was an absolutely gorgeous day!  The kids ran and ran outside and had so much fun playing outdoor games.  My uncle had a fire going in the backyard and lawnchairs all the sun!  It was great.  We didn't leave there until about 9:00 p.m., and Taylor and Allie were pooped out!  Chad went home earlier....I think basketball and a chair were calling his name.  We stayed later while the kids played and they were not happy when it was time to go home.  It was dark out and they LOVE playing outside games in the dark.  Always a fun time when we all get family!!!

Sunday we met Joe at a couple houses, and Taylor, Allie, Sam and Max played and played while we were looking.  The houses were empty, so no harm with them along....LOUD, but no harm:)  We came home and just had an easy afternoon and getting ready for dinner.  A couple weeks ago at grandma and grandpa Voit's, they made ribs for dinner.  Taylor LOVED them and has been asking us to have some just about every day since.  So, that is on the menu for tonight...she will be one happy camper at dinner time!!!

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