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Allie and Taylor's Days!

This will keep you up to date on some of the things going on in our lives...if mom can keep up!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hippie, Hippie Shake Dance!

Allie and Taylor's school had their annual school dance, which the theme was "Hippie, Hippie Shake".  Everyone was encouraged to wear 70's clothes or anything that is related to that decade.  They had the cafeteria decorated and were offering food, pretty cheap.  Then in the gym, they had white lights all the way around and made a huge peace sign made out of white lights on the wall.  They were also selling glow sticks, so there were hundreds of those floating around the gym.  The kids were running around mostly, but having a super time.  The DJ played all the favorite songs and they had a lot of audience interaction.  We had our first "lost kids" episode though, which put a big damper on the evening.  The kids were all in a big circle and being picked to go in the middle and do their own "dance".  Both Allie and Taylor got to do it, which was a hoot.  (I will try and load the video)...after, Chad and I went to go have a seat and where we were sitting, someone was now sitting there.  So we moved about 15 chairs down another way.  We were watching for the girls' so we could tell them that we moved, but couldn't find them.  All of a sudden, I see both of them with another mom looking for us and sobbing....the kind of sobbing where you can't catch your breath.  Oh my goodness....I went running up to them and they both grabbed onto me....TIGHT!  They thought dad and I had left because we weren't at the same "check in" spot and then panicked.  Oh gosh, we felt so horrible.  They just wanted to go home then.  Party was over.  We convinced them to stay a little longer, but they didn't leave our side.  What an awful feeling that was.  Hopefully that never happens again.  Otherwise, a great, fun night!!!

Some of Taylor's friends....groovy!!

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